Allow me to introduce you to FRESHH: Finance, Relationships, Energy, Spirituality, Happiness and Health). My name is Deana Patterson. I am an Integrative Health Coach and the CEO of DSFIT2RUN, an Illinois 501(3)c corporation. I am committed to helping individuals achieve extraordinary results through healthy eating, education, and selection of an appropriate fitness regimen, without costly extraordinary expenses.
We believe that our interventions can, in a local way, help reverse the devastating upward trend of obesity in America. In 2015, 191 million people in America had at least 1 chronic disease; 75 million had 2 or more chronic diseases. Chronic diseases have the potential to cost America $2 trillion in medical costs and an additional $794 billion annually in lost employee productivity (average per year 2016-2030). WHAT DO YOU THINK THE IMPACT OF CHRONIC DISEASE IS ON AMERICA? The Projected total cost of chronic disease from 2016-2030 in America is $42 TRILLION.
Those grim statistics were the catalyst for the FRESHH Conference. Each January, DSFIT2RUN hosts the FRESHH conference to help people take charge of their health and their lives. The conference is a one-day event, with a yearlong benefit. It is a day of healing, education and focus, and provides people the tools to change the trajectory of their New Year, and their new lives!
The support of partners—like you—has never been more critical to the work DSFIT2RUN carries out.